Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Problem 3 resolved

I bid 4C. The auction continued:

p 1C 2H x
3H 4C 4H 4S

I passed this. 4Sx was down 1 while 4H was cold, and we got a good score. Sadly partner's hand has been lost to the sands of time, but I think he was 6313. If you pass, partner probably balances with 3S and who knows what you do now (I'm not sure if lefty, who has a stiff club, would make the 4H bid if you passed.)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Problem 9: Club game, 2/6/06

Matchpoints, white/red, 3rd seat, AJxx void xxx AKQJxx. The auction begins:

2D 4H to you. What is your bid and plan for various continuations (e.g. lefty bids 5H which is passed to you, or if you bid 4NT for minors, partner bids 5C or 5D)?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Problem 8: Club game, 1/30/06

Matchpoints, red/white, 4th seat, Kx Q9842 Q K96xx. The auction starts:

1H 1S p 1NT
p p 2D ?

Problem 1 resolved

Recall that I held x 98xx void AQTJ9xxx all white second seat at IMPs. The bidding went:

p p 1D 1S
p 2C p 2NT
3D 4C float. Partner had:

Qxxxx Qx AKTx Kx. 4C is cold, 3NT is down on a non-diamond lead, so I guess my 4C bid was right, but in retrospect I think I should have bid 3NT. Partner's 2NT opposite my passed-hand 2C advance suggests a fitting honor, and if his diamond king were elsewhere 3NT could easily have been cold, or they might lead the wrong major and he could have an ace, or they might lead a diamond (the opponent on lead claimed he was "never leading a diamond against that auction, come on"), or who knows.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Problem 7: Golden Bear Series, February 1

20-board match, IMPs, red on white, 2nd seat, AKx xxx AQx Txxx.

The auction goes:
1H p p x
p to you. What is your bid, and what is your plan?