Problems 16 and 17 resolved
On 16, I bid Stayman, and then bid 3H shortness after partner responded 2S. Partner made avery discouraging 4S call over that which I floated. Partner's hand was:
KJ7x KQx Kxx Kxx
98xx Axx AQJxx A
The spade Qx is on your left. Spades always makes five, while notrump will make five if you can guess the spades and 4 otherwise (assuming they lead a club.) So good guessers should play 3NT single-dummy, bad guessers 4S.
On 17, holding KQT97 9x KJ AQ86, after 1s 2h 2s 3c, I chose 4c. Partner bid 4H which I passed. This proved to be the right spot as partner held x AKJTx Qx Kxxxx. As I recall the heart hook was off and partner made 4.
KJ7x KQx Kxx Kxx
98xx Axx AQJxx A
The spade Qx is on your left. Spades always makes five, while notrump will make five if you can guess the spades and 4 otherwise (assuming they lead a club.) So good guessers should play 3NT single-dummy, bad guessers 4S.
On 17, holding KQT97 9x KJ AQ86, after 1s 2h 2s 3c, I chose 4c. Partner bid 4H which I passed. This proved to be the right spot as partner held x AKJTx Qx Kxxxx. As I recall the heart hook was off and partner made 4.
I would not open a strong 1NT with a minimum 15 count and an aceless and shapeless 4-3-3-3 hand. There are a lot of ten counts partner is automatically going to put you into game such as S xxx H Axx D xxxx C AQx etc. where it is going to be a struggle just to make 2NT.
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