Problem 20: Club game, 3/20/06
Matchpoints. All white, 1st seat, you hold AK32 J2 void KQ87xxx. You open 1C. The auction continues:
1C p 1H 1NT back to you. 1NT is strong, 15-18.
Your bid. Also, what would you have done if RHO had passed?
1C p 1H 1NT back to you. 1NT is strong, 15-18.
Your bid. Also, what would you have done if RHO had passed?
2C. If RHO had passed, 1S.
2s. (1s if possible.) i'm not afraid to be in 3c on this deal, since if i bid 2c that will enable them to find their diamond fit more easily. i don't think this bid promises the world, just safety; with real reversing strength i'd take a piece of 1nt.
2S. I'm going to take one last shot at the possible spade fit, and show a very offensively oriented hand in the process.
I would bid 2C planning to bid 2S if possible later. I don't think LHO is going to pass as there are too many diamonds missing.
Bidding 2S now is too much of an overbid. Partner will get it into his head that you have something like five spades and six clubs.
I am a hair short of 2s, so I will bid 2c. Obviously bid 1s if RHO had passed.
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