Problem 9: Club game, 2/6/06
Matchpoints, white/red, 3rd seat, AJxx void xxx AKQJxx. The auction begins:
2D 4H to you. What is your bid and plan for various continuations (e.g. lefty bids 5H which is passed to you, or if you bid 4NT for minors, partner bids 5C or 5D)?
2D 4H to you. What is your bid and plan for various continuations (e.g. lefty bids 5H which is passed to you, or if you bid 4NT for minors, partner bids 5C or 5D)?
6C ought to have play on a heart lead. even if it goes down, it could be a reasonable save over 5H, which i have no idea if i can beat. so i bid 6c. if they bid 6h, i'll double and lead a club.
6c, unless partner is super aggressive.
I agree with Joon, but I am much less confident about it.
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