Problem 17: Club game, 3/5/06
Matchpoints. None vul, you hold KQT97 9x Kx AQ86 in first seat. You open 1S. With the opponents silent, the auction continues:
1S - 2H
2S - 3C
2S is your systemic bid with this hand. What do you bid here, and what do you plan to do over some possible continuations (for instance, if you bid 3NT and partner bids 4C or 4H; if you bid 4C and partner bids 4H; if you bid 4C and partner bids 4S; if you bid 3H and partner bids 3NT or 4C.)
1S - 2H
2S - 3C
2S is your systemic bid with this hand. What do you bid here, and what do you plan to do over some possible continuations (for instance, if you bid 3NT and partner bids 4C or 4H; if you bid 4C and partner bids 4H; if you bid 4C and partner bids 4S; if you bid 3H and partner bids 3NT or 4C.)
3h. surely this is at least groping in the correct direction. over 3s my spades are plenty good enough to bid 4s; over 3nt or 4h i can pass in comfort; over 4c i have a standout 5c, but not any better than that due to my poor shape and questionable pointed-suit honors.
3NT to begin. While 3C is real, it does not imply a suit-oriented hand with slam interest. If partner pulls to 4C, I will Q 4D in advance; if partner pulls to 4H, I will pass and hope that 4H is easier than 5C.
The strongest feature I want to show in my hand is my excellent club support so I would bid 4C to let partner choose which game he wants to play in 4H, 4S, or 5C.
I would not bid 3NT with only a single stopper in the last unbid suit.
What were my options over 2h?
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