Problem 14: Club game, 3/2/06
You hold J9xx AT xxx AT8x, all white, 4th seat. The auction goes:
p 1D p 1S;
3H x p to you.
What do you bid? Lefty is known to not be insane; partner's double is cards / takeoutish / do something intelligent, almost always with 3 spades.
p 1D p 1S;
3H x p to you.
What do you bid? Lefty is known to not be insane; partner's double is cards / takeoutish / do something intelligent, almost always with 3 spades.
yuck. it looks like i'm endplayed into 3NT. it might not be terrible--AT is a bit better than Ax, and partner could have Jxx (or more) in hearts. i expect him to come down with pretty good values, perhaps 18-19 bal.
I bid 4N (presumably pick 5m) when Mike gave me the problem earlier. I'm a bit surprised by the interpretation of double; I thought this was really "takeout", so I expected partner to have a stiff heart a large majority of the time. (or 18-19 bal with xx in hearts).
double by an unlimited player is never "really takeout"--particularly at high levels, double tends to show extra values and ask partner to do something intelligent.
I would pass for penalties.
Partner's double means he has extra cards but he doesn't know what to bid.
When you aren't sure what to bid yourself the best policy or stand operating procedure especially at pairs is to let the opponents play the contract doubled.
Every so often LHO might have a lucky break or two to make 3Hx but most of the time LHO is going to go minus.
Eric Leong
I agree with Eric. Actually, I think I have agreed with Eric in all penalizing situations on this blog.
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