Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Problem 2 resolved

I led the club ace. Dummy came down with something like:


Partner played the lowest outstanding club spot (playing upside down) and I lauded myself for not playing a heart and allowing declarer to ruff and draw trumps. So I played another club to partner's king... and declarer ruffed, making 4S by discarding a heart on dummy's good club and eventually losing two diamond tricks.

Problem 3: Club game, 1/30/06

Matchpoints, white/red, 2nd seat, Qx x KJ87 AK87xx (diamond spots approximate.) The auction goes:

P 1C 2H x
3H ?

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Problem 1 continued

I tried the cagey pass. The bidding continued:

P P 1D 1S
P 2C P 2NT

and now I had to find another bid. What would you do?

Monday, January 23, 2006

Problem 2: GNT qualifying, 1/21/06

Knockout. Red on white, 1st seat, xx Q987x void ATxxxx. You pass. The bidding continues:

P P 1D 1S
x xx 2H 3D
3H 3S p 4S all out.

Your lead.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Problem 1: Monterey regional 1/7/06

Compact KO. All white, 2nd seat, x 98xx void AQJT9xxx, pass to you. Give your first bid, then when there are a suitable number of opinions, we will continue with the auction.