Problem 7: Golden Bear Series, February 1
20-board match, IMPs, red on white, 2nd seat, AKx xxx AQx Txxx.
The auction goes:
1H p p x
p to you. What is your bid, and what is your plan?
The auction goes:
1H p p x
p to you. What is your bid, and what is your plan?
my bid is 1NT. this hand is really gross, and partner would need to have a lot in order to make game playable with no heart stopper. 1NT shows some decent values (something like 8-11, and this hand isn't worth more than about 11) and if partner can take another bid, he'll have my cooperation, obviously.
Tough hand. I thought about bidding either 1NT or 2H, but would probably bid 1NT. The fact that opener did not raise the bidding mildly suggests that he did not have a great H suit, so stopper is not an immediate concern. Problem with 1NT is that it may wrong-side NT contracts (e.g. HHx in partner's hand). Problem with 2H is that it takes up bidding space, and it creates a rebid problem in the next round after partner bids anything but NT.
Btw, this hand is a pretty good advertisement for playing Herbert negative response to takeout doubles. I have heard a number of top players in the Scandinavian region has started playing that in response to (1X) dbl (p). In the above situation, advanced would bid 1S to show either a bad (0-5) hand, or a hand stuck for a descriptive bid. Some other example uses of the bid is to distinguish between a five-card suit vs a four-card suit, partial stops vs real stops, etc. Of course, downside is the inability to show the next suit cheaply.
Your only systemic bid is 2H to show a good hand but you don't know what to bid. I am not about to mislead my partner by hiding my strength or lie about my stoppers in notrump especially in a long imp match. Game and even slam is possible so I want to give partner a fair chance to find the best contract.
Eric Leong
2h. Anything else is a gross distortion.
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