Monday, January 23, 2006

Problem 2: GNT qualifying, 1/21/06

Knockout. Red on white, 1st seat, xx Q987x void ATxxxx. You pass. The bidding continues:

P P 1D 1S
x xx 2H 3D
3H 3S p 4S all out.

Your lead.


Blogger Joon said...

who bid this hand for me, my grandmother? i would certainly bid at least 4H at my third turn, maybe even 3S. and i can't imagine defending 4S with a 5-6 hand opposite an opening bid with 4 hearts. regardless of the vulnerability, there's just no way to know which of 4S/5H/5S is making, so i'll bid on. i don't expect to go for 800.

if i had to lead against 4S on this auction, i suppose i'd lead ace and a club, trying to get a crossruff going. maybe we can make up for our 650 by taking the first six tricks or something.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think pard is something like 3-4-5-1 (it sounds like opps have only 8 spades), or 3-4-4-2. I lead the club ace as well. Especially if we are playing weak NTs, pard is pretty much marked with a singleton club. If pard has 3-4-4-2, I should underlead the club ace, but there seems to be a lot of distribution around this table, so I will play pard for the singleton club.

I agree with Joon, I would have bid 4H with this hand over 2H.

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lead a heart, hoping for a diamond back (or a club to give partner a ruff and get a diamond back). A club lead hurts when dummy has CK(Q..) and righty is stiff, most immediately noticeable when hearts are 2-2 and we lack the Ace. (Also, if you think about opponents' possible distributions, I think 3-4-4-2 is more likely than 3-4-5-1). Perhaps I'm just being contrary, though.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS: make your background something more pleasant (ie lighter).

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so not how I'm bidding.

But mostly, I'm commenting because I disagree with Andy's comment. I liked the black background. =P

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not have bid 3H. I would have bid 4C instead to give partner a chance to sacrifice in clubs or hearts if that is the right partnership action.

Eric Leong

11:46 AM  

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