Problem 1: Monterey regional 1/7/06
Compact KO. All white, 2nd seat, x 98xx void AQJT9xxx, pass to you. Give your first bid, then when there are a suitable number of opinions, we will continue with the auction.
Real-life bridge problems. Give your opinions in the comments. Mostly bidding.
i would open 1C, but i've gotten into trouble with these kinds of hands before. if i had a natural way of showing clubs over partner's 1S opening, i might be more inclined to pass. my second choice is 5C.
I think I will bid 5C although Mike's comment implies that I should pass or open something lower so that we can continue the auction. Second choice would be a jump to 3C over pard's spade opener as an invitational club hand (if available).
At the table, I had 2NT over partner's 1S opening available to show an invitational club hand.
This is 5C in first seat for me. In second seat it still might be. Is that 2N forcing? Presumably not, and I don't fancy playing it there. Also, it doesn't really suggest that partner introduce hearts. 1C is tempting but I won't make a 1-bid with this little defense. I think I've convinced myself to bid 5C in second seat too.
1 diamond... I mean pass :)
Why would one not bid 4C?
Is it out of fashion these days to tell partner precisely what you have?
Whatever my partner decides to do know is fine with me.
Eric Leong
5c. I probably don't want to play in hearts unless partner has five. 4c is way too conservative - the opps will have an easy 4d or 4s call.
If my suit was spades, I would pass because I can compete spades over hearts at same level. Here, I must go up-level in either suit.
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