Friday, March 03, 2006

Problem 7 resolved

At the table, the player holding this hand (recall: AKx xxx AQx Txxx, auction goes 1h p p x; p to you, red/white) bid 2h. The partnership then had a long and tortuous auction (opponents silent for all of it)

x 2h
2s 3c
3h 3s
4c 4s

4s was pretty routinely down 1. At the other table, North (who was 6-4 in the rounds) shoved in a 2c bid over x, and East bid 2s and played it there, making 4. Partner held Txxx A9x Jxx KQJx.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think much of partner's takeout double with 14 cards.
But assuming he has one less heart, his proper systemic bid over 3C is 4C and responder can pass.

1:09 PM  

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